Video Walkthrough
Level 2 - Dolphin Paradise
Do you like Dolphins? You won't like these dolphins!
Don't hit that info block!
You may notice an info block at the start of the stage. Don't hit it; it will drain the water in the stage rendering it impossible to finish.
"You must hit the yellow switch before coming here"
Dolphin Trio
There's a lot of chompers on the floor and ceiling.
"The Dolphin, a majestic creature, likes to reside in waters filled with chompers"
Three Dolphins are hopping happily in the chomper pit. You must jump from one to another. If you stay standing on one of them they will take you to a deadly chomper death in the water.
There are two invisible coin blocks to the left of the next platform. Start your jump when the dolphins are near the top of their hopping. As long as you don't hit the ceiling you'll be fine.
Mario performs at Dolphin Platforms!
Some saw blades separate two platforms. Spin jump to advance. Watch out for the approaching saw blade on the next platform.
There are three hopping dolphins on the series of mushroom platforms ahead. If any catch Mario they will send Mario head-first into a chomper. You will need to run across with good timing so the Dolphins don't catch Mario.
In the middle of it all
At the bottom of the Dolphin Platforms is a connection to the next platform. It's small and infested with Chompers.
To get across one must run fast enough to get across the small gap, and
- Stop by holding left after crossing the gap
- Jump, holding left, after making it to the next gap
Another saw blade separates the two platforms. A jump across will work--spin jumps are safer.
Gravity... where?
To reach the next platform Mario needs to jump on a floating platform, clear the floating chompers, and jump to the next platform without hitting the ceiling.
I don't see gravity
The next platform is also separated by chompers and a floating platform.
See that? Land on that
On this platform is a small pillar. From that small pillar you need to fall to the little platform floating just above the chompers. Jumping is not recommended, it will most certainly result in your death.
See that? Now land on that
Mario needs to do some precision jumping on the small bricks to the next platform.
There is an invisible coin block in-between the two small bricks.
Dolphins and Ropes
Like the Dolphin Platforms, you'll need to run across and make sure no Dolphin gives Mario a killer, chomper headache. The rope will pull Mario back to be careful.
Half-way point
Happy dolphins are hopping to the right at the mid-way point.
You'll need to cross the large gap by jumping from dolphin to dolphin. If you are big you can take a hit and run across; you'll lose your mushroom later anyway. If you can keep it, it'll make the next challenge much easier.
The Dolphin-Chomper Trap
Two platforms are separated by a wall, chompers, and a dolphin that hops in-between them.
To cross you'll need to run off the edge in a way such that you land on the dolphin while it is rising. If you have your mushroom take the hit here. You are forced to lose it on the next obstacle.
The Saw blade that cuts through Mario, but not chompers.
A tunnel of chompers exists at the next obstacle. You'll need to spin jump on a saw blade to saftely cross the tunnel. You will lose your mushroom here if you have it because Mario's too tall to spin jump on the saw blade.
Fishing Boo feeds Mario death
The next-to-last challege is to cross a gap with hopping dolphins. Seems simple enough, just jump from one to another to avoid the chompers.
Except for fishing boo.
You will hate fishing boo
There isn't a good way to describe how to avoid fishing boo. He'll chase Mario and try to make him touch the fire on his fishing rod. The fire is death even to a spin jump; however, you can spin jump on fishin boo himself.
There is a pipe at the end you'll need to enter. Take care not to go too far and hit the chompers at the end of the stage.
That's all sucker!
In the final room is a block of chompers and a baseball chuck. Jump over the chompers avoiding the baseballs and cross the goal line.
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